Closed wbrandon25 closed 6 months ago
In the /adminPages page that lists all stories, create a button for every story that links to the individual page of for that story.
The current url format for an individual story is http://localhost:3000/individualStory/mongoObjectID. Ex: For the story “How My Cat Saved My Grade”, its mongoDb Object id is “60a5a63cac98759545c3e6e9” so its url is http://localhost:3000/individualStory/60a5a63cac98759545c3e6e9
You can use the _id attribute of a story to get its mongo Object id.
Added the button. Made a PR for it.
In the /adminPages page that lists all stories, create a button for every story that links to the individual page of for that story.
The current url format for an individual story is http://localhost:3000/individualStory/mongoObjectID. Ex: For the story “How My Cat Saved My Grade”, its mongoDb Object id is “60a5a63cac98759545c3e6e9” so its url is http://localhost:3000/individualStory/60a5a63cac98759545c3e6e9
You can use the _id attribute of a story to get its mongo Object id.