CS180-spring / cs180-22-untouchables

cs180-22-cs180-22-untouchables created by GitHub Classroom
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As a programmer, I want to be able search the database with keywords to make finding relevant movies easier, like a Google search. #48

Open U-bee opened 1 year ago

U-bee commented 1 year ago



Story Points


Test Cases

The user enters the "query" command in the Filter menu, writes the name of the collection being searched, the name of the new collection that will be created, and the search parameters. From there, the program looks through the collection being searched for any mention of the search parameter (like a ctrl + f), and if a match is found in any of the relevant data variables, that movie is added to the new collection, labeled with the new user name.

If no matches are found, a new collection is not created, instead an error message is sent and the user is returned back to the Filter Menu.