Note: Based on the "collate/" in the master branch on retrieved on Sunday.
SLAP is quite ok generally, but there are a few places where it can be improved.
e.g. code to fill in the property of a task in AddCommandParser, EditCommandParser; createEditedTask is very hard to read.
Coding standard, spacing, variable naming is generally quite well done. The exception object in "} catch (TaskNotFoundException pnfe) {" in execute() for DeleteCommand is strangely named though.
Comment: very sparse. Some non-trivial methods probably warrant a good header comment? e.g. those executeUndo() methods?
Use of assertion / logging / exception: There are a few good use of assertions and exceptions, but no logging so far?
Minimal code in test. Not sure whether the collated code belong here?
Note: Based on the "collate/" in the master branch on retrieved on Sunday.
SLAP is quite ok generally, but there are a few places where it can be improved. e.g. code to fill in the property of a task in AddCommandParser, EditCommandParser; createEditedTask is very hard to read.
Coding standard, spacing, variable naming is generally quite well done. The exception object in "} catch (TaskNotFoundException pnfe) {" in execute() for DeleteCommand is strangely named though.
Comment: very sparse. Some non-trivial methods probably warrant a good header comment? e.g. those executeUndo() methods?
Use of assertion / logging / exception: There are a few good use of assertions and exceptions, but no logging so far?