Note: Based on the "collate/" in the master branch on retrieved on Sunday.
SLAP is well applied.
Coding standard, spacing, variable naming: Overuse of "this." even when it is not needed.
Comment: The class header comment can be improved? e.g. the ViewOnCommand and ViewCommand now has the same comment? Use standard javadoc style comment, e.g. the comment for "interface Expression".
There is no use of assertion / logging.
You may have incorrect author tags as there are two collated file in tests: and (note the difference in student number).
There are significant duplicated code in the test cases. Consider the use of setup / teardown
The naming for the tests does not follow the suggested three-parts naming scheme.
Note: Based on the "collate/" in the master branch on retrieved on Sunday.
SLAP is well applied.
Coding standard, spacing, variable naming: Overuse of "this." even when it is not needed.
Comment: The class header comment can be improved? e.g. the ViewOnCommand and ViewCommand now has the same comment? Use standard javadoc style comment, e.g. the comment for "interface Expression".
There is no use of assertion / logging.
You may have incorrect author tags as there are two collated file in tests: and (note the difference in student number).
There are significant duplicated code in the test cases. Consider the use of setup / teardown
The naming for the tests does not follow the suggested three-parts naming scheme.