CS2212-2012-G2 / SurvivorPool

CS2212 Project
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On closing when cast off if week not adv loses track #81

Closed Nava2 closed 12 years ago

Nava2 commented 12 years ago

Currently, when we cast off a contestant, but the week isn't advanced, we lose track of this and the player is cast off.

I think we need to cast off the player after the week is advanced, rather than right when it happens.


1) Cast off contestant 2) Close application 3) Reopen 4) Click advance week

Expected: Advance week, no complaints, contestant is cast off

Actual: Errors saying there is no contestant cast off, and to select one

JonDemelo commented 12 years ago

I see the issue, but I don't agree with the solution. Your way would inhinge/desync the "week system" we currently have by pushing the elimination one step forward.

Right now the system works

Pre-Start start season adv week 1 cast off (on week 1) adv week 2 cast off (on week 2) adv ... final week select winner (final week#) end game

What the solution SHOULD be is have the "temporarily targetted cast off" to be saved, and not allow any further weeks to go until advance week is pressed. so have a check within btnAdvWk that goes (if there is a pending cast off) cast him off, else if (theres no contestant for the week yet) ... etc.etc as needed.

This would solve the issue you've presented, but there's another issue attached that you've missed.

Once you get to part 3) of your list, you are able to go to the contestant panel and further cast off ANOTHER contestant for the same week. This issue can be dealt with by using the pending graem history code TBD, which should be checking if there's already someone casted off on that date, and deal with it accordingly.

Nava2 commented 12 years ago

@Lukirre is this a problem with your adjustments?