CS2212-2012-G2 / SurvivorPool

CS2212 Project
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History: Breaks the Final Week #83

Closed JonDemelo closed 12 years ago

JonDemelo commented 12 years ago

The new implementation for cast history is breaking the final week advance and end of game.

This is because it is implemented in a fashion that deals with 0..1 and 0..1 ratios/relationship

i.e. each week has a 0..1 ratio of casted off contestants, and each contestant has a 0..1 in terms of the week they are casted off.

However, in our past implementation strategy, upon choosing the winner, say on week 4 (in the case of a season with 6 contestants), it would leave the winner "untouched", but cast off BOTH the other two finalists as "week 4". This cannot happen anymore, and thus breaks the program, and we then currently cannot finish a game.

How are we going to deal with this?

Are we going to implement a special case within the new system where roughly it check if its the final week and adjusts the formula


are we going to scrap the idea of casting off those two and just leave all the final three as "untouched" in the final round? This would require us to somehow signify whom is the winner, either through changing their label from "active" to "winner", and creating a setter/getting/is for "(get/set/is)Winner".

If we plan on making the admin not being able to change cast dates AFTER the game has ended, then the first option is probably the simplest, as you could literally "stop" the check and just add the two to the cast off list, since it doesn't matter if its to standardized antymore, but I'll leave that to a majority consensus and Graem's input before I do anything myself.

Nava2 commented 12 years ago

I like the option where we do less. AKA, stop the admin from changing dates after the final week.

We should add a dialog warning that upon clicking "Advance Final Week" all changes are FINAL.

JonDemelo commented 12 years ago

fixed as of the new implementation for invalidation.