[ ] Frequent disconnections from socket in collaboration service
Need to further investigate, maybe just sch wifi cmi
When 2 users are collaborating at the same time, it seems to be working fine sometimes, just a bit inconsistent.
The issue may be caused by proxying + pooling in API gateway, where API gateway will terminate the connections after a certain time. Load balancing also may be redirecting requests and not maintaining HTTP long polling connection. There are two solutions to this:
Changing from SocketIO to WebSocket for node:
API Gateway supports WebSocket API where we can just use $connect, $disconnect etc.
May be a huge overhaul of implementation and cause more issues, and may not guarantee it
Upgrading from using a central server to P2P connections:
Use central server as a caching mechanism and retrieve session details
Events are directly emitted to client:
Client1 -(Events)-> Server -(Events)-> Client2
New way under (2)
Server <-(Cache)- Client1 <- (Events) -> Client2 -(Cache)-> Server
[x] Profile dp file size exceed limits only works once, subsequent times toast does not show
For the first upload, the toast appears stating that the file size exceeds the 3MB. But subsequent images that exceed 3MB does not show
[x] Make edit profile dp more obvious, and more intuitive (like adding an edit button to the dp and have a spinner while the new img uploads)
[x] Signup still does not work on cloud deployment
it still passes http://localhost for the clicking of email verification link @tlyi @xingjie99 will this be a quick fix?
The issue may be caused by proxying + pooling in API gateway, where API gateway will terminate the connections after a certain time. Load balancing also may be redirecting requests and not maintaining HTTP long polling connection. There are two solutions to this:
Changing from SocketIO to WebSocket for node:
Upgrading from using a central server to P2P connections:
Previously: Client1 -(Events)-> Server -(Events)-> Client2
New way under (2) Server <-(Cache)- Client1 <- (Events) -> Client2 -(Cache)-> Server
[x] Profile dp file size exceed limits only works once, subsequent times toast does not show
[x] Make edit profile dp more obvious, and more intuitive (like adding an edit button to the dp and have a spinner while the new img uploads)
[x] Signup still does not work on cloud deployment