CS3219-AY2324S1 / ay2324s1-course-assessment-g05

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Bugs found on aws deployment #137

Closed weidak closed 1 year ago

weidak commented 1 year ago


The issue may be caused by proxying + pooling in API gateway, where API gateway will terminate the connections after a certain time. Load balancing also may be redirecting requests and not maintaining HTTP long polling connection. There are two solutions to this:

  1. Changing from SocketIO to WebSocket for node:

    • API Gateway supports WebSocket API where we can just use $connect, $disconnect etc.
    • May be a huge overhaul of implementation and cause more issues, and may not guarantee it
  2. Upgrading from using a central server to P2P connections:

    • Use central server as a caching mechanism and retrieve session details
    • Events are directly emitted to client:

Previously: Client1 -(Events)-> Server -(Events)-> Client2

New way under (2) Server <-(Cache)- Client1 <- (Events) -> Client2 -(Cache)-> Server

tlyi commented 1 year ago

Ooh good catch, sorry will update the verification link!