CS3398-Rust-Buckets / S2017

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Code the Mobile UI for the Landing page of the SchedMe Web Application #44

Closed J-a-m-e-s-o-n closed 7 years ago

J-a-m-e-s-o-n commented 7 years ago

The Mobile UI for the landing page of the SchedMe Web Application will need to be created in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

J-a-m-e-s-o-n commented 7 years ago

Code has been written for the mobile landing page, although JavaScript will need to be implemented to make buttons and events responsive to selection. As of now, the Web App serves as a proof of concept with limited functionality.

J-a-m-e-s-o-n commented 7 years ago

Web App for landing page only available at: https://schedmeapp.github.io/SchedMe/

Works best at the moment on Google Chrome. Device Toolbar must be selected in developer mode to adjust for mobile display. Will upload source files to repository within the week.