As a vendor on a trading Discord server, I want to be able to entirely delete a listing I have made so that it no longer is visible or exists anywhere, which will allow me to remove listings I longer want to sell or have posted.
As a vendor on a trading Discord server, I want a way to view all the active listings I currently have so that I can review them if needed, which will allow me to see my listing easier than searching the chat.
Criteria to indicate a user story/backlog task is completed.
Topic | Criteria (What to include in each row)
-- | --
Design | Refactoring is completeIt builds with no errors
Code | The To-Do’s for this user story are complete?All features are included in the codeCode functionality has been tested by the assignee and the reviewer.Code has been approved by another team member.Code passes all checks before merging with main.
Documentation | Each class has a header with a brief description of the code.Functions are commented on completely.Any additional comments are made in line.Documentation has been reviewed by another team member.
Testing | Unit testing has been completed for any functions added.App can launch.All checks pass.
Final task | Code reviewed by another member, approved, and then merged with main branch.If the purpose of that branch has been fulfilled, delete it.
User Story:
UML Diagram:
Definition of Done
Criteria to indicate a user story/backlog task is completed.