As a discord member part of multiple trading communities where items can be bought and sold, I want a more structured way to post and view item listings on discord so that selling/buying items is faster and easier to do, which will allow me to receive or sell my items more quickly.
As a vendor on discord, I want a structured form that I can fill out when creating an item listing so that I do not forget to include information a buyer may need when viewing my post, which will make selling and buying items through Discord easier and more efficient since users will always have all the needed information regarding the item.
After team discussion, it was decided that the best way to have users submit a listing is first to get the user input after the slash command is passed and then build an embed from the input.
As a discord member part of multiple trading communities where items can be bought and sold, I want a more structured way to post and view item listings on discord so that selling/buying items is faster and easier to do, which will allow me to receive or sell my items more quickly.
As a vendor on discord, I want a structured form that I can fill out when creating an item listing so that I do not forget to include information a buyer may need when viewing my post, which will make selling and buying items through Discord easier and more efficient since users will always have all the needed information regarding the item.
After team discussion, it was decided that the best way to have users submit a listing is first to get the user input after the slash command is passed and then build an embed from the input.