CS580-Thunderbird / study-hard-play-hard

CS580 group project - A personal organizer to help cpp students manage time and enjoy life
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Add class for user setting -- Front end #12

Closed nan2iz closed 7 years ago

nan2iz commented 7 years ago

Please discuss who would like to take care this part. This feature is inside user setting, when they would like to add classes to their calendar.

Before you get class, you should pull data and put to database with this link "http://localhost:8080/getCppSchedule" And you can get data from: /data/classes

And return GET method to backend /setting/add_class?code={class code} Example "/setting/add_class?code=CS 580"

nan2iz commented 7 years ago

We may need to try out this. Because there is big data, we may need to dump a Json file for this and put into static/data folder.

wiehsingli commented 7 years ago

doesn't the front end post the class code?

nan2iz commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I didn't understand your question.

nan2iz commented 7 years ago

Actually, it's GET method. Because back-end need only the class code, because we add data one by one.

dlin345 commented 7 years ago

I used a GET method different from the original suggestion (/setting/add_class?code={class code}). Instead I used GET method to JSON file.