CS682-S22 / BitTorrent-style-File-Sharing-Application

dsd-final-project-vivian0420 created by GitHub Classroom
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Proposal Feedback #1

Open srollins opened 2 years ago

srollins commented 2 years ago

Implementing a BitTorrent-style protocol is an appropriate project.

I am a little concerned about the timeline you have proposed. You propose to spend the next 10 days learning about BitTorrent, and the following five days implementing it. I am not confident that five days will be sufficient time to complete a prototype implementation.

Also, there are many elements of the BitTorrent protocol. It is likely that you will want to focus on a few of them and simplify others. It would be good for you to have a better idea of which features you will implement robustly before the proposal deadline.

I suggest that you spend a bit of time between now and Monday thinking through the architecture that you will implement. You do not need to propose a complete and final architecture, but you should have a bit more detail about what you will implement.

srollins commented 2 years ago

Feedback on updated proposal:

The Tracker and concurrent download/upload are critical elements of the BitTorrent system. It is important that you implement both of those things, though you may choose to implement your own (simplified) protocol for communication. Without these components (unless I misunderstand your proposal) your final implementation would mostly be Project 1 with added parsing of the .torrent and some exchanging of the bitfield, etc.