For RDS, we want to have Adi, who has had prior knowledge on the topic working on it, and alongside Adi, we also have Ethan Zhao and Alex Lu helping him to complete the challenge
Big Project:
For the big project, a large majority of the backend is completed and the key features are primairly done apart from things for the leaderboard and other aparts of the stock game and so, the frontend is the primary focus now.
David <3 will be moving over to Frontend but primarily to just correct things and fine tune them to the backend
Jishnu will be countinuing to improve both graphs for the live stats and also the LSTM prediction and will be working to add someother features to the live stats and will work with David to fix it up
Emaad will be fixing up the styling page wide and also making sure that the pages are consisstent amongst all the pages and have a proper working global navbar and will work with all the frontend components
Will work on the Stack Dashboard page, which consists of the stocks at different companies (Apple, Google, etc.) ordered by various factors, such as ticker, high, low, and many others
Make the new Stack Dashboard page consistent with the other pages (consistent navbar menu)
Ethan Tran and Krishiv will be working to fix up the leaderboard things and work on making it work on both backend and frontend, working alongside James
Anthony will be working on the backend fixing up the perceptron model and making sure that model is making it more accurate and will be working with Tay
Tay is backing up Anthony, also working on the backend making the model more accurate and also working on the frontend of the perceptron model
James is working on the frontend for the stock game and will be working along with Ethan and Krishiv to make the stock game close to completion
Yuri will be finishing up the homepage and making it fluid and smooth as well as work on a little bit of blogging
AP Week and Big Project Plans:
RDS and SQLite Legacy Challenge:
Big Project:
For the big project, a large majority of the backend is completed and the key features are primairly done apart from things for the leaderboard and other aparts of the stock game and so, the frontend is the primary focus now.
David <3 will be moving over to Frontend but primarily to just correct things and fine tune them to the backend
Jishnu will be countinuing to improve both graphs for the live stats and also the LSTM prediction and will be working to add someother features to the live stats and will work with David to fix it up
Emaad will be fixing up the styling page wide and also making sure that the pages are consisstent amongst all the pages and have a proper working global navbar and will work with all the frontend components
Ethan Tran and Krishiv will be working to fix up the leaderboard things and work on making it work on both backend and frontend, working alongside James
Anthony will be working on the backend fixing up the perceptron model and making sure that model is making it more accurate and will be working with Tay
Tay is backing up Anthony, also working on the backend making the model more accurate and also working on the frontend of the perceptron model
James is working on the frontend for the stock game and will be working along with Ethan and Krishiv to make the stock game close to completion
Yuri will be finishing up the homepage and making it fluid and smooth as well as work on a little bit of blogging