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DADDiJkstra Qualification Review #29

Open drewreed2005 opened 10 months ago

drewreed2005 commented 10 months ago

DADDiJkstra Review


You can try them out on your own right now! Fully working demos linked below.

All backend features are implemented through a deployed Springboot site.


We go over it in our About Page, but we'll go over it here, too.

Dijkstra Algorithm

Once a node map has been built on the frontend, its information on all nodes and edges (which is constantly updated) is converted to JSON to act as the body of a POST request. The JSON data is converted to an object in Java. It is referenced below as a GraphRequest object in the POST request code.

    public ResponseEntity<Object> findShortestPath(@RequestBody GraphRequest request) { // HERE
        int[][] adjacencyList = request.getAdjacencyList();
        int source = request.getSource();
        int target = request.getTarget();
        HashMap<Integer,int[]> coordinates= request.getCoordinates();

        WeightedGraph weightedGraph = new WeightedGraph();
        Dijkstra.dijkstra(weightedGraph, source);
        ArrayList<Integer> shortestPath = Dijkstra.ReverseIteratePath(source, target);

        //TODO: implement storing the coordinates of the graph in the backend.
        // Usr usr = new Usr(email, password, name); //highScore, totalOfAllScores, numberOfScores);
        // repository.save(usr);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(shortestPath, HttpStatus.OK);

You can see the full content for GraphRequest here.

public class GraphRequest {
    private int source;
    private int target;
    private int[][] adjacencyList;
    private HashMap<Integer,int[]> coordinates;

The Dijkstra algorithm itself is complicated, and it call all be seen on this page. Put simply, it parses through the weights of the connections between every node and calculates what path would be the fastest to get from one node to a target node.

Saved Graph Data

When a request to the Dijkstra algorithm is made, information including the adjacency list of all nodes and the coordinates of each node are sent to the backend in a separate request, which stores the graph's information on the signed-in user's database entry (see sign-up below). Shown below is the section of the [Usr API Controller]() that handles this request. See code comments for more details.

  public ResponseEntity<Object> updateUsr(@RequestBody CanvasUpdate canvasUpdate) {
    try {
        logger.debug("Received PUT request for updating user data: {}", canvasUpdate);

        // finding the user by email
        Usr usr = repository.findByEmail(canvasUpdate.getEmail());
        logger.debug("Found user: {}", usr);

        if (usr != null) {
            // creating a new hashmap to be added
            HashMap<String, Object> history = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            // adding data from the request body to the hashmap
            history.put("adjacencyList", canvasUpdate.getAdj());
            history.put("coords", canvasUpdate.getCoords());
            // add the canvas history with the built in user method

            // saving the updated user

            return new ResponseEntity<>("User updated successfully", HttpStatus.OK);
        } else {
            return new ResponseEntity<>("User not found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("Failed to update user", e);
        return new ResponseEntity<>("Failed to update user", HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

Like the Dijkstra algorithm, this method makes reference to a class that transforms the JSON body called CanvasUpdate. You can see its code here.

Sign-up Page

Using string data inputted by the user into input elements, we make a POST request to the backend that ensures that no duplicate/garbage data is being sent (including repeat emails or invalid emails/passwords). This request uses URL queries to be made.

// info taken from URL queries
@PostMapping( "/post")
public ResponseEntity<Object> postUsr(@RequestParam("email") String email,
                                        @RequestParam("password") String password,
                                        @RequestParam("name") String name) {
    // A person object WITHOUT ID will create a new record with default roles as student
    Usr usr = new Usr(email, password, name);
    usr.setPassword(passwordEncoder.encode(usr.getPassword())); // PASSWORD ENCRYPTION
    return new ResponseEntity<>(email +" is created successfully", HttpStatus.CREATED);

During this process, the user's password is encrypted. This was a necessary addition to the incomplete base Springboot Person class. Try the fetch for yourself to confirm it works!


The user puts in data again, and a POST request is made to /authenticate, which determines if there is a user in the database with the provided information. This is part of the JWT API Controller.

public ResponseEntity<?> createAuthenticationToken(@RequestBody Usr authenticationRequest) throws Exception {
    authenticate(authenticationRequest.getEmail(), authenticationRequest.getPassword());
    final UserDetails userDetails = usrDetailsService
    final String token = jwtTokenUtil.generateToken(userDetails);
    final ResponseCookie tokenCookie = ResponseCookie.from("jwt", token)
    .sameSite("None; Secure")
    // .domain("example.com") // Set to backend domain
    return ResponseEntity.ok().header(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE, tokenCookie.toString()).build();

The jwt cookie that is sent carries over to the application page, which then accesses the data to browse past node maps. This allows the results of previous algorithm uses to be seen again.


DADDiJkstra's purpose is to teach about graph theory and algorithms. We felt it imperative, given the prevalence of algorithms in computer science, that we provide a resource to visualize the process of algorithmic pathfinding. We chose Dijkstra because it acts as the basis for other, more common pathfinding algorithms like the A* algorithm.

By providing an easy-to-use resource that implements the algorithm in action, we allows fellow students and others with some interest in computer science to see a window into the more complicated applications possible with algorithmic pathfinding.

Peer Reviews

Grader Score
Tay Kim 8.8/9
Tirth Thakkar 8.8/9
Emaad Mir 8.73/9
Luna Iwazaki 9/9
Vivian Ni 8.82/9
Vardaan Sinha 8.9/9
John Mortensen 8.37/9
Vakkala Sai Pranavi 8.55/9
Ellie Rozenkrantz 8.46/9
Average 8.743

Overall Feedback:

We were somewhat scrambling towards the end, which affected our presentation at N@TM. We could've prevented this but doing more work in the feature week to have a more solid foundation for the direction of our project. Doing this would eliminate most of the variables that would confound our team's development.

Mostly three people carried, but we needed more attention on our project. We want to maintain focus and attention on the project. We definitely need to fix this in preparation for the next two trimesters. We want to develop habits to remain engaged in coding.

Each Team provides an ISSUE for scoring their Project and makes a link to it on their N@tM Sign Up page. Make sure you start with a self grading summary.Criteria/Key Features/Technicals: Frontend, APIs, Backend, Database 3.6 to 4 pts. HOOK! Key features achieved (shown in running demo to graders), 1 minute show 3.6 to 4 pts. KNOWLEGE, HOW IT IS MADE! Key features blogged (shown in demo time to graders), 2 minute show 0.6 to 1 pt. VALUE. Most useful or valuable aspect of project.SELF and CROSS OVER GRADERS PROVIDE TOTAL, 9 of 10 is highest.

drewreed2005 commented 10 months ago


HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason:

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason:

VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason:


TayKimmy commented 10 months ago

HOOK: Points: 3.9 Reason: Asks an interactive question to the audience and effectively introduces their project.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.9 Reason: Very knowledgeable of their code and explains the dijkstra algorithm well.

VALUE: Points: 1 Reason: Main aspect of calculating shortest distance between nodes is complicated and has value.

WOW FACTOR: Reason: Extensive use of diverse data in backend and makes it complicated..

Tirth-Thakkar commented 10 months ago


  • [X] Frontend
  • [X] Backend
  • [X] API
  • [X] Agile

HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: 3.8 Fascinating Dijkstra implementation with Java systems along with finding the shortest path implementation KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: 4 Very knowledgeable about how the algorithm is implemented and understand the underlying methods and functions of how the algorithm works and how data is stored on the backend VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: 1 Very interesting way of teaching graph theory and a useful implementation, with the use of heuristics, along with the complex method of encryption with JWT WOW FACTOR: Reason: Interesting implementation for teaching how Dijkstra's algorithm functions and how to demonstrate methods for understanding the algorithm, along with sign-in and sign-up methods with encryption

Emaad-Mir commented 10 months ago


Frontend Backend API Agile HOOK: Points: 3.9 Reason: Makes analogies at the beginning, draws us into the project

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.8 Reason: Clearly knows a lot about the project with node use and Java Dijkstra's algorithm finds most efficient path on a map Created API Graph data

VALUE: Points: 1 Reason: Talks about algorithm use, how it can be applied/recreated

WOW FACTOR: 1 Reason: Really interesting way of finding the most efficient route

jm1021 commented 10 months ago


HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Shortest path relation to Dykstra. Nodes (places) and Edges (path). Discussed algorithm in understandable. 3.9

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Gave many examples of weight, calculation, and algorithm. Talked about recreation of user future possibilities. 3.9

VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Fundamental explored for many future big world projects. 1

WOW FACTOR: Reason: Show live graph of algorithm.


lunaiwa commented 10 months ago

Project, finding shortest path between different objects.

HOOK: Points: 4.0 Reason: Interesting hook and has a question to their project introduces project as something anyone could pretty much understand

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 4.0 Reason: Knows project well and explains really well and uses simple terms, clean frontend, different examples of algo, weights, calc ect.

VALUE: Points: 1.0 Reason: Can be used as a real project

WOW FACTOR: Reason: shows live change of algo

ellierozen commented 10 months ago


HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Points: 3.7 It is a cool idea but hook wasn't super enticing.

KNOWLEDGE: 1 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Explained the algorithm and how it calculates the shortest path to the node.

VALUE: .9 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: Very underground topic that is not talked about and is very important to items like directions to network browsers.

WOW FACTOR: .8 Reason: Frontend makes it easy to show the process of the algorithm, so it makes it easily understandable.


vivianknee commented 10 months ago


HOOK: 4 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: asked a hypothetical question about route efficiency. relatable, common problem

KNOWLEDGE: 4 Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: DIJKSTRA algorithm calculates the fastest path. each node has an ID, gets the position and caluates the weight between to find the path. frontend features to connect nodes together and click button to start.

VALUE: 0.8 Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: can use it to figure out real life fastest paths. cant put images on yet but there is potential

WOW FACTOR: 1 Reason: super unique and cool. Backend calculation of fastest path is something I've never seen. Frontend is super clean and professional looking


pranavivak commented 10 months ago


  • [x] Frontend
  • [x] Backend
  • [x] API
  • [x] Database
  • [ ] Agile, 3 of 5 seem heavily invested. Deduction.

HOOK: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: they discussed the algorthm in a reasonable way.

KNOWLEDGE: Points: 3.6-4.0 Reason: Showed many examples of the calculation of weight, and possibilities of improving.

VALUE: Points: 0.6-1.0 Reason: could be used for world projects

WOW FACTOR: Reason: Showed a graph of the algorithm


vardaansinha commented 10 months ago

Criteria/Key Features: