Open DavidVasilev1 opened 11 months ago
Team Review "Scrum Master Vardaan Sinha" grading "Scrum Master Alex Lu"
Team Review ticket containing key Team and individual contributions
FREEFORM COMMENT: This was incredibly well-thought out as a project. Everything was incredibly visually appealing, the features were functional, and the group showed an amazing depth of understanding on Fibonacci algorithms and sorting algorithms.
Individual Review Vishnu grading David
Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)
(0.9*4+0.8)/5 = 0.88
Freeform comment.
Provide positivies and growth summary.
Justify or comment on final score.
Be sure to provide extra details on anything below 0.7 average or above 0.8.
There were the extra sorts of the heap sort and the bogo sort, which shows mastery of the concepts. It shows that David has been doing a lot in Java. The styling on the frontend was done well, with informational sections on each sort. The visualizations with the animation were really cool to behold as well. There could have been more direct comparison of sorts. But the overall execution of positives greatly overwhelms the negatives.
Individual Review "Vardaan Sinha" grading "Alex Lu"
By showing his commits and commit frequency throughout both the frontend and backend, Alex displayed his key participation in ideas and a clear model student in the classroom.
Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)
The video was clean, edited, within the timeframe and showed his feature with key code explanations of the demo. Great video.
Alex's issues were incredibly detailed, went through potential challenges
Showed key commits, showed how those commits contributed to the project functionality
Graph of commits showed consistent contributions, easy to see that Alex made a big impact.
AVERAGE: 0.88 = ((0.9 * 4 ) + 0.8)/(5)
FREEFORM COMMENT: Alex truly showed how important he was to the team. His commits were consistent and plentiful, and he shows a complete mastery of Java. He knows exactly what he is doing and all of the features he manned at a clear purpose. The visualizations were splendid and fully functional and supplemented even my own learning on each of the algorithm types, and the fact that everything was perfectly working was the most important part.
Individual Review "Raunak Mondal" grading "Ethan Zhao"
Individuals Video, Issue(s), Commits(s)
[x] Review GitHub analytics for key commits in each weeks during the project, shows consistent participation for 3 weeks: 0.8: While there were a variety of commits made, most of the commits were mostly made in the last few weeks/days of the project
Per check.
0.55 not attempted/no check
0.7 attempted, incomplete, but some runtime
0.8 mastery and runtime
0.9 above and beyond.
FREEFORM COMMENT: Showed improvement and learning in relation to his part of the project. Also showed a growth mindset in regards to learning code and displaying it. Except for few minor details, everything else looks almost perfect. The dynamic visualizations of the code were also an aspect of his project that went above and extra. 0.89 overall, only improvements are to fix minor problems with displaying sorts.
Average: ((0.9 * 3 )+ 0.95 + 0.8)/(5)=0.89
Team DEA - David, Ethan, Alex
Bubble Sort
Bogo Sort
Heap Sort
Implementing Other Sorts
Quick Sort
QuickSort Implementation
Asynch function in frontend
Selection Sort
Selection Sort Implementation