CSA-trimester-2 / nba-analysis-final

NBA stats and fantasy draft
MIT License
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CSA Sprint #1 Checkpoint #2 Feature Ready #23

Open Pitsco opened 5 months ago

Pitsco commented 5 months ago


Team review contains ...

Individual review contains ...

Team review:

Frontend Runtime

Backend Runtime, Deployed

Key Features



Frontend Visualization of Past Stats Creating Draft Page Monte Carlo Simulator Creating Linear Regressor


Key Commits:

Branch Commits Key Commits
Frontend Commits Main Branch Commits, Fetching by ID Feature, Specific Game Search, Fetching all Players
Backend Commits Statistic Branch Commits, Main Branch Commits Pulling API Data for Both Players and Team, Searching by ID Feature, Specific Game Finder, Fetching All Players


Key Commits:

Branch Commits Key Commits
Frontend Commits Main Branch Commits, Statistic Branch Commits Fetching by ID Feature, Specific Game Search, Fetching all Players
Backend Commits Statistic Branch Commits, Main Branch Commits Pulling API Data for Both Players and Team, Searching by ID Feature, Specific Game Finder, Fetching All Players


Kaiden: Worked in person and on call with Kaiden, attempted to connect stats page with search feature on Wednesday with Kaiden

Jishnu: Collaborated with him by him helping me pull data from the frontend from backend. Want to further this collaboration with JScharting in the future.

Workstyle and Work frequency

Future Plans:



Key Commits:


Key Commits:


Future Plans:

VishnuAravind12 commented 5 months ago


Key Commits:

Branch Commits Key Commits
Frontend Commits Main Branch Commits Integrated FantasyDraft page with backend, Detailed Stats Page
Backend Commits Fantasy Branch Commits Custom Data Objects for both Regression and draft, Logistic Regression Logic Coded, Encapsulated Approach for Regression, Parser for JSON