the test function for getGraphInfo_cpp was producing an error with respect to matrix-conversion, specifically for:
two non-prototype image lists
one prototype and one non-prototype image list
Rcpp was throwing an error when trying to convert an element of pathEndsrc into a matrix.
upon closer study, we found that the function initializing the dummy image_list values for the test specified pathEndsrc as an array, while the actual handwriter code always specifies pathEndsrc as a list -- when searching through the handwriter code, we found pathEndsrc was always created via lapply.
the assumption made in the RCpp code is that pathEndsrc is a list of 2x2 matrices, and this assumption was only found to be violated in the testcases. Hence, we patch the test function to ensure pathEndsrc is a list everywhere.
the test function for getGraphInfo_cpp was producing an error with respect to matrix-conversion, specifically for:
Rcpp was throwing an error when trying to convert an element of pathEndsrc into a matrix.
upon closer study, we found that the function initializing the dummy image_list values for the test specified pathEndsrc as an array, while the actual handwriter code always specifies pathEndsrc as a list -- when searching through the handwriter code, we found pathEndsrc was always created via lapply.
the assumption made in the RCpp code is that pathEndsrc is a list of 2x2 matrices, and this assumption was only found to be violated in the testcases. Hence, we patch the test function to ensure pathEndsrc is a list everywhere.