CSAILVision / LabelMeAnnotationTool

Source code for the LabelMe annotation tool.
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fixed mode "c" bug #51

Closed Abhijit-2592 closed 6 years ago

Abhijit-2592 commented 6 years ago

the mode "c" from the documentation must basically read the foo.txt file created from populate_dirlist.sh and display them in order. The pull request from #33 claims to correct it. But it doesn't read the foo.txt file at all. Thus I have updated fetch_image.cgi to read the foo.txt created from populate_dirlist.sh and display images in order. I have also added "require 'globalvariables.pl';" at the top of the script.

Now mode "c" will work as documented

There is a small bug though. while starting LabelMe for the first time. Manually give the first folder_name and image_name in the collections.txt in the url. After which clicking next will fetch images in order.

Abhijit-2592 commented 6 years ago

@xavierpuigf kindly look into this bug in the original code