CSAILVision / LabelMeAnnotationTool

Source code for the LabelMe annotation tool.
MIT License
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"Adjust polygon" option does not save changes on currently available annotations #93

Closed slothkong closed 5 years ago

slothkong commented 5 years ago

I'm deploying Labelme using the Dockerfile, on a local server. I downloaded a small subset of the a collection that is available in the public Labelme dataset, and although I can serve the image, rename and delete the available annotations, the "Adjust polygon" options does not save any change I make to the polygon geometry. Is this a bug or a feature? Which part of the tool's code would you recommend to look at first?

NOTE: I manually changed the field in the .xml annotations to my name, but this doesn't seem to fix it. I can adjust the polygons of only newly added annotations.

NOTE 2: I have also made sure that the annotations' directory have read/write permissions, for example for the first image of the bathroom_indoor_256x256_static folder (Public Collection), I have : -rw-rw-rw- 1 ubuntu ubuntu 2103 Aug 3 11:22 bath.xml

slothkong commented 5 years ago

Figured it out. In the .xml there is a and a makers, right under the marker. Removing those 2 from the annotation allows me to edit the polygon.