CSAILVision / LabelMeMechanicalTurk

Toolbox for interfacing LabelMe with Mechanical Turk
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Open rbrth opened 6 years ago

rbrth commented 6 years ago


I am trying to run LabelMe through AmazonMTurk. However, my hits are not getting published, as I get the following error regarding HTTPS.

[ERROR] Error creating HIT 50 (http://labelme.csail.mit.edu/Release3.0/tool.html?collection=LabelMe&mode=mt&N=inf&folder=users/rbarth88/sweeper&image=empirical_image_color_50.jpg&mt_sandbox=true): Error #1 for RequestId: ceae5e8e-d02b-48ab-a39d-7c0c1e904bf7 - AWS.MechanicalTurk.InvalidParameterValue: The value "http://labelme.csail.mit.edu/Release3.0/tool.html?collection=LabelMe&mode=mt&N=inf&folder=users/rbarth88/sweeper&image=empirical_image_color_50.jpg&mt_sandbox=true" is not valid for the parameter ExternalURL. This URL must use the HTTPS protocol.. (1533015731691 s)

I tried to update the 'baseURL = 'http://labelme.csail.mit.edu/Release3.0';' in generateLabelMeInputFile.m, though that only gives me a different error. :)

Open labelme.input.html to see the progress of the annotations
Undefined function or variable 'folderlist'.

Error in generateLabelMeInputFile (line 123)
LMphotoalbum(folderlist, filelist, 'labelme.input.html');

Error in demo (line 42)

Any help is welcome! Ruud

xiao617 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have the same problem now. Did you find the solution?