CSAllenISD / 2023-ISP-AutomatedAttendance

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Implement a tardy system #49

Open Bread21234 opened 1 year ago

Bread21234 commented 1 year ago

Utilizing the in-built clock on a system, we able to count students tardy. If a student enters a class while it is in session but after the allotted time, they will be counted tardy. This will be represented by a yellow circle along with the time that they entered. This should signal how late a student was.

AkshayVemulapalli commented 1 year ago

I think that for the minimum viable product, we shouldn't use the built-in clock system yet. It will be easier to just allow the teacher to manually start the class with a button for now.

When we add this feature later for our final product, we can make it so that each class automatically starts and ends at the right time, taking into account the period and building (AHS or STEAM) of the class. Another option we could do is make it so that the teacher sets the start time for the class. That might be easier, instead of using the school's set times to determine the start time automatically.

Another thing we should do is allow teachers to cancel a tardy in case there are transportation issues, or any other reasons why it wasn't the students fault that they couldn't make it in time.