CSAllenISD / 2023-ISP-EagleCard

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Week 20-Mar-2023: Commit 1/3 Considering To Change Concept #13

Open GuavaJ opened 1 year ago

GuavaJ commented 1 year ago

While the concept of using plastic and NFC chips for business cards can be innovative and eye-catching, there are some constraints to consider that may make another concept more desirable.

One constraint of this idea is the cost. Creating business cards with NFC chips and high-quality plastic can be expensive, which may not be feasible for small businesses or individuals on a tight budget. Additionally, the cost of the NFC chips themselves can add up if you plan to produce a large quantity of cards.

Another constraint is the practicality of the concept. While NFC technology can be useful for sharing contact information and other digital content, it may not be widely adopted or understood by all recipients of my business cards. This could limit the effectiveness of our cards and make them less useful for networking purposes.

An alternative concept to consider is using sustainable and eco-friendly materials for my business cards. This could include recycled paper or biodegradable materials such as bamboo or cornstarch-based plastics. Not only is this approach more environmentally friendly, but it can also appeal to customers who prioritize sustainability and conscious consumerism.

Another alternative concept is to focus on design and visual appeal, rather than technology or materials. This could involve working with a graphic designer or using creative printing techniques to make my business cards stand out and leave a lasting impression on recipients.

Ultimately, the best concept for my business cards will depend on my goals, target audience, and budget. It's important to consider all factors and weigh the pros and cons of each option before making a decision.