CSC-305-app / TuneTailor

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US3 Backend Setup #17

Open RyanGilbert04 opened 5 days ago

RyanGilbert04 commented 5 days ago

User Story: Backend Setup (US3)

AS A backend developer, I WANT TO set up the backend services for the project IN an organized manner TO ensure the backend infrastructure is properly structured and integrated SO THAT the application can function seamlessly with data storage, cloud functions, and other necessary backend services.

SCENARIO: Setting up Firestore Database and committing the schema GIVEN the backend folder structure in the repository is ready WHEN I create a Firestore database, AND commit the 305Soft NoSQL Database Schema to the backend folder of the repository, THEN the Firestore database is correctly configured, WITHIN 2 hours, AND the schema is available in the repository WITHIN 1 hour.

SCENARIO: Setting up Cloud Functions GIVEN the need for specific cloud functions for the application's functionality WHEN I create each cloud function according to the application requirements AND deploy them to the Firebase environment, THEN each cloud function is accessible and functional WITHIN 3 hours, AND any API endpoints are documented WITHIN 1 hour.

SCENARIO: Configuring Storage GIVEN the need for storing media and other files WHEN I create and configure the Firebase Storage bucket, THEN the storage is properly set up and integrated with Firestore and cloud functions WITHIN 1 hour, AND permissions are correctly set up to ensure secure access WITHIN 30 minutes.

SCENARIO: Integrating Other Backend Services GIVEN the potential need for additional services (e.g., Firebase Authentication, Firebase Messaging) WHEN I set up and configure any required services, AND ensure they are properly integrated with the existing backend setup, THEN all services are correctly integrated and tested for functionality WITHIN 4 hours, AND any issues are resolved WITHIN 1 hour of discovery.