CSC-305-app / TuneTailor

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US5 Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud Integration #20

Open trevmoy opened 3 days ago

trevmoy commented 3 days ago

User Story:

AS A music enthusiast, I WANT TO integrate my playlists and music library across Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud, SO THAT I can seamlessly manage and access all my favorite tracks from these platforms in one place.

SCENARIO: Successful Multi-Platform Playlist Creation GIVEN the user is on the playlist creation screen, WHEN the user selects a mood, genre, or artist, AND clicks the "Generate Playlist" button, THEN the system should generate a playlist using Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud APIs WITHIN 3 seconds, AND display playlist options to the user WITHIN 2 seconds.

SCENARIO: Syncing Playlists Across Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud GIVEN the user has successfully created a playlist, WHEN the user selects the option to sync across Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud, THEN the system should sync the playlist across all platforms WITHIN 5 seconds, AND notify the user of successful syncing WITHIN 1 second.

SCENARIO: Error Due to Incomplete Selection During Playlist Creation GIVEN the user is on the playlist creation screen, WHEN the user does not select any mood, genre, or artist, AND clicks the "Generate Playlist" button, THEN the system should display an error message stating, "Please select at least one option to generate a playlist" WITHIN 1 second, AND prevent playlist creation from proceeding.

SCENARIO: Error Syncing Due to Network Issues GIVEN the user is trying to sync a playlist across platforms, WHEN the user clicks the "Sync Playlist" button during a network outage, THEN the system should display an error message stating, "Network error. Please try again later" WITHIN 2 seconds, AND allow the user to retry syncing once the network is restored.

SCENARIO: Successful Multi-Platform Playlist Update GIVEN the user has an existing playlist, WHEN the user modifies the playlist (e.g., adds or removes songs), AND clicks the "Update Playlist" button, THEN the updated playlist should be reflected across Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud WITHIN 3 seconds, AND the user should receive a notification of the update WITHIN 1 second.

trevmoy commented 3 days ago

Just an idea to note:

If a user changes a playlist on one specific platform (I.e. Spotify) and not others, if they wanted to update their playlists on other platforms, they could sync all of their playlists up on the app.