CSC-UW / sleepscore

Load and sleepscore neuropixel data with visbrain's Sleep module
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Display of Spectrogram-data #1

Open maxhunger97 opened 1 month ago

maxhunger97 commented 1 month ago

Hey, I was trying out this fork as a tool to visualise sleep data for my thesis, especially the marking/unmarking of events through click&drag is super useful! Would there be a way to selectively display only the time-frequency Spectrogram for the data visualised in the corresponding channel? So for example, if I display 1 epoch of data for the frontal electrode, is there a way to link the spectrogram so it displays only the time-frequency spectrogram of this 1 epoch (and not the complete night of scored date as it does now)? this would be really helpful as the spectrogram visualisation could help with the visual detection of sleep events such as spindles/K-komplex etc? Best, Max

TomBugnon commented 1 month ago

hey max, can you try out the latest commit at ? You can zoom with "Z"