CSC207-2022F-UofT / UT-StudentApplication-groupnameundefined-

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Merging of Frontend and Backend #38

Closed Archivec closed 1 year ago

Archivec commented 1 year ago

Merge all Entity-Repository-Service-Controller implementations from Backend with all UI implementations from the frontend

Eric-1120 commented 1 year ago

We can add an email validator to this project in the future, which allows us to verify an email when a user registers an account, and we can also send a verification email to them when they forget the password. This will involve some functionalities that Spring Security provides, hence would need to add that into our configuration.

Archivec commented 1 year ago

All tests are passed, however backend and frontend are still not fully integrated as there were changes in the backend made in later stage, and changes in the frontend not reflected in the backend. Frontend code can do some refactoring for better formatting and also add documentations. We can work on this following this pull request, but individual components of the frontend and backend are functional.

IanQuan commented 1 year ago

Individual components of the backend and frontend are functional, but the integration between backend and frontend is not completed yet. Documentations could be added for each pull request before merging. Possible updates in the future: -add comments or docstrings for effective code review -refactor and reformat the frontend code to reduce smell code