CSC207-2023Y-UofT / course-project-tnt

course-project-tnt created by GitHub Classroom
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timer updated #53

Closed yoyo-gong closed 1 year ago

yoyo-gong commented 1 year ago
yoyo-gong commented 1 year ago

Okay, I tried to test the app by setting WORK_DURATION = 5 sec, BREAK_DURATION = 30 sec, and running the timer. I don't see any prompts after the first 5 sec, and the timer changes to the break immediately. When the first 30-sec break hits the 0:00 mark, the timer stops entirely and there are still no prompts. I'm not sure how you'd want to change the timer implementation, but is this something that you expect? Did I test the app incorrectly?

Thanks for finding the issue. I have fixed and tested it. It works fine now.