CSC207-2023Y-UofT / course-project-tnt

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3-task-list backup implementation #54

Closed Zitherlight closed 1 year ago

Zitherlight commented 1 year ago

Complete implementation with testing and JavaDocs of the task list.

This new task list has a separate task database from the user database. Users can add, edit, delete, and display tasks in a list. The list remains the same upon switching to the Timer tab. To protect the privacy of users, upon logging out, all the tasks in the list will be deleted, and the next logged-in user will have an empty task list.

Please check the implementation of the new branch backup-3-task-list to see the app stimulation.

Edit: I changed a little bit of since my turns out to be an AppCompatActivity subclass. ChatGPT cannot provide the Fragment version of that runs without errors, and I cannot risk spending too much time on changing it to a Fragment subclass.

I also moved inside the com.example.tester.Utils package since I figured we should not let a Database class to be outside with the other UI classes (but I did not change anything else in that class).