CSC307-W2020-Team6 / 307-Sec01-Team6

Repo for winter 2020 csc 307-01 (Matthew Jaojoco, Riley Mete, and Gabe Barney)
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Creating Groups #118

Open rmete opened 4 years ago

rmete commented 4 years ago

1. User Story

3. Use Case Template

4. Happy Path

  1. User signs in successfully to LyncUp

  2. User already has at least one added friend

  3. User navigates to the Group page

  4. User clicks 'Create Group'

  5. User inputs a group 'Name', chooses a group 'Image', and selects themself and at least one other friend that they want to add to the group

  6. User clicks 'Submit' and the group is created

  7. User is now shown a group view that has a timetable with all their friends' icons representing a time slot in which they have an event scheduled. This page also shows the added group members' posts

5. Alternate Paths:

Creating a Group without having Friends

  1. User registers successfully with LyncUp

  2. User navigates to the Group page

  3. User clicks 'Create Group'

  4. User inputs a group 'Name', chooses a group 'Image', and selects themself to add to a group

  5. User clicks 'Submit' and is unable to create a group. Instead, they are presented with an error message that says "You can only add yourself and users you are friends with"

Creating a Group without selecting yourself

  1. User signs in successfully to LyncUp

  2. User already has at least one added friend

  3. User navigates to the Group page

  4. User clicks 'Create Group'

  5. User inputs a group 'Name', chooses a group 'Image', and selects at least one friend that they want to add to the group

  6. User clicks 'Submit' and is unable to create a group. Instead, they are presented with an error message that says "You must add yourself to your group"

    6. Acceptance Testing

    • Verify that a user cannot create a group without selecting themself and at least one friend
    • Verify that a user cannot create a group with a user that is not their friend
    • Verify that when the user opens a group to view that they are presented with a page that has a calendar with the group members' events represented by their icon in a specific time slot. In addition, the user will be able to view their group members posts
    • Verify that the user is able to create an event and have it populate correctly inside the group calendar view
    • Verify that the user is able to create a post inside a created Group
    • Verify that each post the user creates is only visible to the Group they selected
    • Verify that only a group owner can delete a group
    • Verify that only a group owner can edit a group
    • Verify that the user that creates the group is classified as the group owner
saraford commented 4 years ago

I wanted a "feature" like this one per each of your features that you demo'ed. You labeled all of your work items as final, but I only wanted features tagged with final so I could grade the acceptance tests and user stories.