CSC307-W2020-Team6 / 307-Sec01-Team6

Repo for winter 2020 csc 307-01 (Matthew Jaojoco, Riley Mete, and Gabe Barney)
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Adding Friends #27

Open rmete opened 4 years ago

rmete commented 4 years ago

User Story

As a registered LyncUp user, I want the ability to add friends so I can choose who I stay connected with.

Biz Goal

The biz goal that we are targeting for this feature is satisfaction. People enjoy staying connected with their friends, so we want to make sure our product incorporates this feature. In addition, in satisfying our users by giving them the ability to add friends, we can also achieve the biz goal of adoption. If a user enjoys our product, they might refer LyncUp to their friend so that they can stay connected on our platform.

Use Case

Name: Adding Friends

Description: Verify that a user is able to add another registered user as a friend

Preconditions: The user is a registered LyncUp user and the friend they wish to add is also a registered user

Happy Path

  1. User signs in successfully to LyncUp

  2. User is presented with the homepage

  3. User clicks the 'Add Friend' button

  4. User searches for a user they wish to add

  5. User clicks a plus icon to 'Add Friend'

  6. The user that was selected is sent a message that someone is trying to add them as a friend

  7. The user who received the message clicks accept.

  8. The user who sent the message is sent a notification that they are now connected with the desired user. The two are now friends!

Postconditions: The users are now friends and can view one another's availability. The two users can now send each other event invites as well as group invites.

Alternative Paths The person the user tried to add is sent a confirmation message. If they click accept, the two users will be friends. If they click decline, the users will no be friends and the user will be notified that they are unable to connect with the person.

saraford commented 4 years ago

relevant to our Regular user

Call this "registered or signed-in user"

This feature is relevant to our Regular user and it will allow them the ability to choose who they stay connected with.

This is not a user story. Please update using the user story template

The biz goal that we are targeting is allowing people to connect to others.

this isn't a biz goal. it's either adoption, satisfaction, or revenue. Please redo and LMK if you want me to verify it.

Use Case Template

This isn't the use case template. Please redo using the use case template.

rmete commented 4 years ago

Happy Path (Updated)

  1. User signs in successfully to LyncUp

  2. User is presented with the homepage

  3. User navigates to the Friends page

  4. User clicks the 'Add Friends' button

  5. User searches for a registered-user they wish to add

  6. User clicks a plus icon to 'Add Friend'

  7. The user successfully adds another registered LyncUp user

  8. The person the user just added as a friend is now listed as a friend in the Friends page

rmete commented 4 years ago

Alternative Paths (Updated)

Adding a Non-Registered User

  1. User signs in successfully to LyncUp

  2. User is presented with the homepage

  3. User navigates to the Friends page

  4. User clicks the 'Add Friends' button

  5. User searches for a unregistered-user they wish to add

  6. User clicks a plus icon to 'Add Friend'

  7. The user is unable to add the unregistered-user and is presented with an error message stating "No user found. can only add existing users."

Adding yourself as a Friend

  1. User signs in successfully to LyncUp

  2. User is presented with the homepage

  3. User navigates to the Friends page

  4. User clicks the 'Add Friends' button

  5. User searches for their own profile

  6. User clicks a plus icon to 'Add Friend'

  7. The user is unable to add themself as a friend as is presented with an error message stating "You cannot add yourself as a friend"

rmete commented 4 years ago

Acceptance Tests