Identify what NF you think each table is in.
employee table: 2NF
Job table: 3NF
Person Table: 3NF
Settings Table: 3NF
Playlist Table: 2NF
• Playlist Num Playlist Title
• The Foreign Keys aren’t necessarily Fully dependent on each other HERE but have referential integrity elsewhere.
Songs Table:
• Song ID PK
• Song ID Song Name
• Other FK
Song Genre Table:
Artist Table:
Album Table:
Music Topic Table: The table seems to be midway between 1NF and 2NF since the data seems to already be in other tables and relationships. My only suggestion is that this table itself isn’t needed and that you can keep its data just through a field called “Genre” which you kind of already do.
Are there any attributes that should be in a different table in their design?
Music Topic Table: The table seems to be midway between 1NF and 2NF since the data seems to already be in other tables and relationships. My only suggestion is that this table itself isn’t needed and that you can keep its data just through a field called “Genre” which you kind of already do.