CSC495-2014 / TeamworkEnglewoodGit

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Cloning a Project #168

Closed mikeholler closed 10 years ago

mikeholler commented 10 years ago

I have @ZAM- tagged on this, but @kwpembrook and @samuelfrench might be able to help with this too.

I just merged Kyle's code into a demo branch, and tried using the projects page to clone a repository. I saw this after clicking on resume for my GitHub user, apotheos:


Upon further inspection, it looks like the HTTP request being routed to the right controller, but it is failing:

{"error":{"type":"GitWrapper\\GitException","message":"Path to working directory could not be resolved: \/home\/mjholler\/git\/TeamworkEnglewoodGit\/data\/users\/apotheos\/projects\/resume\/","file":"\/home\/mjholler\/git\/TeamworkEnglewoodGit\/vendor\/cpliakas\/git-wrapper\/src\/GitWrapper\/GitProcess.php","line":51}}

I can confirm that the path /home/mjholler/git/TeamworkEnglewoodGit/data/users/apotheos/projects/ exists (see screencap below) so it would appear that a directory not existing is not the problem here.


And I can also confirm that the permissions for the projects directory are suitably open:


mikeholler commented 10 years ago

Here's some more info about the failing request via Chrome's developer tools:


kwpembrook commented 10 years ago

I know about this and will hopefully have the fix by tomorrow. The code was working and redirecting to the editor page when the repository exits but somehow as I was cleaning up my code before the deadline I did something that is now causing it to give us this error.

ZAM- commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure what St. Clair has planned for us tomorrow during out final, but I'm offering my help tomorrow trying to fix this.

samuelfrench commented 10 years ago

Let me know if there is anything I can do. @kwpembrook

kwpembrook commented 10 years ago

Thank you guys I will. Hopefully I will have time to find a fix before then.

ZAM- commented 10 years ago
