CSCI-4830-002-2014 / mailinglist

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Final Projects + Info on Next Assignment #17

Open wannabeCitizen opened 9 years ago

wannabeCitizen commented 9 years ago

Hi Class,

So first I want to inform you on the 4 projects that won in the vote:

You can find the team assignments for these projects at this link

Here's what you need to know from here:

  1. Go to this repo, where you will find your next submission that you'll do with your team (you'll only need 1 submission per team) and learn more about how the project is graded. No need to fill it out now, but you should all look to start getting ideas and know who you'll be working with.
  2. We'll give you all 20-30 minutes in class to meet with your team and start filling in the project outline.
  3. It is mandatory that your team meet with me for 30 mins sometime this coming week. If we cannot find a time where the entire team and myself can meet; then we'll work with having MOST of the team. But this meeting is where you'll turn in your project outline and determine what hardware I'll order for you, which I'll then distribute the following week. I'll also try to have a hardware consultant (another PhD student whose an expert in this stuff) there to help us.

We'll be discussing this all more in class, but if you have any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me. I'll be traveling all day tomorrow, but I'll be sure to respond Monday morning.

I'm really looking forward to this. I think it's going to be a serious challenge getting this all to work, but also a lot of fun and a huge accomplishment when it's finished. There will likely be a few late nights in ATLAS getting all the hardware coordinated and making sense of the data. Once it's all ready though, it's going to be a bad ass exhibit.

Talk to you all Monday,
