CSCI-4830-002-2014 / mailinglist

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Completing Projects This week #28

Open wannabeCitizen opened 9 years ago

wannabeCitizen commented 9 years ago

Hello Class,

So first a reminder that our project is part of the ATLAS expo which is Thursday (12/11) at 5PM. Whoever can come to this should since we will be showcasing our exhibit and people will likely want to ask questions to the teams.

As for this week here's the general work timeline: Monday night: Finish Visualizations and Start Mounting Hardware Tuesday night: Finish mounting any hardware, test all hardware, make sure visualizations are available at public IP addresses and can ingest live data. Wednesday night: Test all functioning parts together and debug.

We now have a live server in the cloud that teams can use for hosting data. All teams need to have a solution by tomorrow night for where there data is being hosted. Anyone is free to use the cloud server, I purchased, just let me know if you need SSH access and I'll add your key so you can port your code over.

Remember, finishing this project represents 25% of your grade so it's pretty crucial to the completing the course with a good grade (plus after it's done this week, you're done for the class!). Also, as I discussed with each of you, I can give out many bonus points to those of you who participate in pulling this together over these final three days so if you're at a grade borderline or want to secure an A in the class, be sure to carve out some space in your schedule during the evenings this week.

Can't wait to see this all come together.

Thanks for all the hard work, Mike

JoshFerge commented 9 years ago

Where will tomorrows hackathon be? and what time?

wannabeCitizen commented 9 years ago

The hackathon is at Google. Tom just sent out information about that.

After the hackathon, I'll be heading to ATLAS lobby to start wiring up the hardware for anyone who has the freedom to work after class.