CSCI-4830-002-2014 / mailinglist

A special repository to act like a mailing list, for announcement, general discussion, etc. Assignment-specific issues should still go to the individual repository.
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Big Data - Week of 10/20 #5

Open wannabeCitizen opened 9 years ago

wannabeCitizen commented 9 years ago

Hey everyone,

Wanted to remind you all that there's no class on Monday and it's moved to Wednesday, same time same place. If you can't make Weds, make sure you tell Tom or me no later than tomorrow night.

For the project piece, I'm going to go with having everyone pitch a mini-project to go in the final installation then, as a group, we'll vote on the 4 or 5 most interesting and create teams around them. So start coming up with something and be ready to pitch it next Monday (10/27). This will give us the last 6 weeks of class to create times and make it happen.

See you all Wednesday, Mike