As a developer,
I need to ensure that the system responds correctly when attempting to delete a product that does not exist,
So that the API returns the appropriate 404 Not Found error and informs the user that the product does not exist.
Details and Assumptions
The delete request should use a non-existent product ID to simulate the scenario.
If the product does not exist, the system should return a 404 status code.
The response should include a clear error message that specifies the product could not be found.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given a delete request with a non-existent product ID,
When I attempt to delete the product,
Then the system should return a 404 Not Found status code and a message saying "Product with id {non_existent_product_id} not found."
As a developer, I need to ensure that the system responds correctly when attempting to delete a product that does not exist, So that the API returns the appropriate 404 Not Found error and informs the user that the product does not exist.
Details and Assumptions
Acceptance Criteria: