As a eCommerce manager
I need to manage the backend service via a web user interface.
So that I can efficiently handle administrative tasks like adding, updating, and monitoring resources without requiring direct access to the backend system.
Details and Assumptions
The UI should support core functionalities: Create, Read, Update, Delete, List, Query, and Action.
BDD tests will be implemented using Selenium to interact with the UI.
The BDD tests will follow the Gherkin syntax to ensure clarity and understanding for non-technical stakeholders.
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on the Recommendations List page
When I select a specific Recommendation
Then I should see detailed information about the Recommendation
Given I am on the Recommendations List page
When I select a Recommendation and click the Delete button
Then I should see a prompt to confirm the deletion
And when I confirm, the Recommendation should be removed from the list
As a eCommerce manager I need to manage the backend service via a web user interface. So that I can efficiently handle administrative tasks like adding, updating, and monitoring resources without requiring direct access to the backend system.
Details and Assumptions
The BDD tests will follow the Gherkin syntax to ensure clarity and understanding for non-technical stakeholders.
Acceptance Criteria