As a eCommerce manager
I need to manage the backend service via a web user interface.
So that I can efficiently retrieve recommendations without requiring direct access to the backend system.
Details and Assumptions
the UI should have boxes to input product id, recommended id, select recommendation type, status
the UI should have a Search button that recommendations with the above information will be returned on click
The BDD tests will follow the Gherkin syntax to ensure clarity and understanding for non-technical stakeholders.
Acceptance Criteria
Given I am on the Recommendations UI
When I input certain information and click on "Search" button
Then the recommendation with the corresponding information should be listed and and message "Success" should be displayed
As a eCommerce manager I need to manage the backend service via a web user interface. So that I can efficiently retrieve recommendations without requiring direct access to the backend system.
Details and Assumptions
The BDD tests will follow the Gherkin syntax to ensure clarity and understanding for non-technical stakeholders.
Acceptance Criteria