As a user,
I need to be able to create an item in the API,
So that I can view all available data.
Details and Assumptions
The expected format of the response containing the list of resources (e.g. JSON, XML)
The expected structure of the response (e.g. each resource as an object within an array, a paginated list)
The expected behavior of the API in cases where there are no resources to list
Any filters or query parameters that may be included in the GET request to list resources
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Create an item in the shopcart
When I visit the "Home Page"
And I press the "Search" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
When I copy the "ID" field
And I paste the "Shopcart ID" field
And I press the "Retrieve Item" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
When I set the "Item Name" to "Blouse"
And I set the "Item Quantity" to "5"
And I set the "Item Color" to "Pink"
And I set the "Item Size" to "XL"
And I set the "Item Price" to "100"
And I press the "Create Item" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
When I press the "Clear Item" button
Then the "Item Name" field should be empty
And the "Item Quantity" field should be empty
And the "Item Color" field should be empty
And the "Item Size" field should be empty
And the "Item Price" field should be empty
When I copy the "ID" field
And I paste the "Shopcart ID" field
And I press the "Retrieve Item" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
And I should see "Blouse" in the item results
And I should see "5" in the item results
And I should see "Pink" in the item results
And I should see "XL" in the item results
And I should see "100" in the item results
As a user, I need to be able to create an item in the API, So that I can view all available data.
Details and Assumptions The expected format of the response containing the list of resources (e.g. JSON, XML) The expected structure of the response (e.g. each resource as an object within an array, a paginated list) The expected behavior of the API in cases where there are no resources to list Any filters or query parameters that may be included in the GET request to list resources
Acceptance Criteria