As an administrator
I need to be able to delete a user from the system
So that their account and associated data are removed
Details and Assumptions
The API's base URL and endpoint for deleting resources
The expected request and response formats for deleting resources
The expected HTTP status codes for deleting resources
The API is designed to adhere to RESTful principles
The API is functioning as intended and does not have any known bugs or issues
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Delete a Shopcart
When I visit the "Home Page"
And I set the "Email" to ""
And I press the "Search" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
When I copy the "ID" field
And I press the "Clear" button
And I paste the "ID" field
And I press the "Retrieve" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
When I press the "Delete" button
Then I should see the message "Shopcart has been Deleted!"
When I press the "Clear" button
And I press the "Search" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
And I should not see "" in the results
As an administrator I need to be able to delete a user from the system So that their account and associated data are removed
Details and Assumptions
The API's base URL and endpoint for deleting resources
Acceptance Criteria
Scenario: Delete a Shopcart When I visit the "Home Page" And I set the "Email" to "" And I press the "Search" button Then I should see the message "Success" When I copy the "ID" field And I press the "Clear" button And I paste the "ID" field And I press the "Retrieve" button Then I should see the message "Success" When I press the "Delete" button Then I should see the message "Shopcart has been Deleted!" When I press the "Clear" button And I press the "Search" button Then I should see the message "Success" And I should not see "" in the results