As a tester
I need to query a BDD .feature file to test a RESTful API
So that I can ensure that the API is functioning correctly and meets all requirements
Details and Assumptions
The RESTful API has been developed and is ready to be tested using BDD
Acceptance Criteria
When I visit the "Home Page"
And I set the "Email" to ""
And I press the "Search" button
Then I should see the message "Success"
And I should see "" in the results
And I should see "Chris" in the results
And I should not see "" in the results
And I should not see "" in the results```
As a tester I need to query a BDD .feature file to test a RESTful API So that I can ensure that the API is functioning correctly and meets all requirements
Details and Assumptions
The RESTful API has been developed and is ready to be tested using BDD
Acceptance Criteria