As a [Developer]
I need [to configure GitHub Actions to run BDD test cases using a .github/workflows/bdd.yml file for every push or pull request] So that [The UI can be guaranteed to stay functional]
Details and Assumptions
As a developer, I want to create BDD.yml file and configure GitHub acitons to run test cases every time someone pushes to the master branch or submits a Pull Request
In requirement 4: implementing a UI with automated BDD testing
Acceptance Criteria
Given a .github/workflows/bdd.yml file is configured in the repository
When a push or pull request is made
Then the BDD test cases should be executed and the UI should be guaranteed to stay functional
As a [Developer] I need [to configure GitHub Actions to run BDD test cases using a .github/workflows/bdd.yml file for every push or pull request]
So that [The UI can be guaranteed to stay functional]
Details and Assumptions
As a developer, I want to create BDD.yml file and configure GitHub acitons to run test cases every time someone pushes to the master branch or submits a Pull Request
In requirement 4: implementing a UI with automated BDD testing
Acceptance Criteria