Note: If you are using postgres in your unit test stage, remember to deploy another one in the default namespace that is Type: NodePort and exposes NodePort: 32032
[ ] Change the IP address for the BASE_URL in the integration test pipeline stage to the new public IP address of you worker node:
ibmcloud ks workers --cluster nyu-devops --output json | jq -r '.[0].publicIP'
Acceptance Criteria
Given service endpoints
When user visit it
Then they should see the service
As a developer I need renew the Kubernetes cluster that expires soon So that the service will not be effected
Details and Assumptions
[ ] Create a new cluster called nyu-devops
ibmcloud ks cluster create classic --name nyu-devops
[ ] Create the namespaces for dev and prod again and copy the ImagePullSecret from the default namespace:
for dev
kubectl create namespace dev
kubectl -n default get secret all-icr-io -o yaml | sed 's/default/dev/g' | kubectl -n dev apply -f -
and for prod
kubectl create namespace prod
kubectl -n default get secret all-icr-io -o yaml | sed 's/default/prod/g' | kubectl -n prod apply -f -
Or use the Makefile which does the same thing:
Note: If you are using postgres in your unit test stage, remember to deploy another one in the default namespace that is Type: NodePort and exposes NodePort: 32032
[ ] Change the IP address for the BASE_URL in the integration test pipeline stage to the new public IP address of you worker node:
ibmcloud ks workers --cluster nyu-devops --output json | jq -r '.[0].publicIP'
Acceptance Criteria