As a developer
I need my application to test and deploy continuously automatically
So that I don't have to run nosetests separately and re-deploy each time
Details and Assumptions
Connect DevOps pipeline to github repo (done by owner of repo)
Add 2 stages: build (incl. test), deploy
Add build stage to checkout code from github, run unit tests with green
Add build stage job to build docker image and push it to IBM Cloud container registry
Add Dev Deploy stage to deploy microservice to dev namespace in kubernetes cluster
Acceptance Criteria
Given that CI/CD has been implemented properly
When the master branch changes
Then nosetests is run, docker image is built and pushed to cloud container registry, microservice is deployed to dev namespace, integration test is run with behave, prod namespace is deployed if all tests pass
As a developer I need my application to test and deploy continuously automatically So that I don't have to run nosetests separately and re-deploy each time
Details and Assumptions
Acceptance Criteria