CSCI-GA-2820-SU24-001 / promotions

NYU DevOps Promotions Service Summer 2024
Apache License 2.0
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Update file #8

Open ChungLinWu0829 opened 1 week ago

ChungLinWu0829 commented 1 week ago

User Story:

As a developer, I need a file for our promotion system so that we can have a clearer procedure of how to set up, operate, and test the system.


The file should provide developers a more efficient way to understand, run, and test our code.

Acceptance Criteria:

The README should begin with a brief introduction that details the purpose and primary functions of the promotion system. It should then explain the installation requirements and the necessary environment setup to run the software, including essential commands. It should describe the foundational principles that guide the software’s design and architecture and list typical challenges with troubleshooting tips to help resolve common issues encountered.