CSCI-GA-2820-SU24-001 / recommendations

NYU DevOps Recommendations Service Summer 2024
Apache License 2.0
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Create Kubernetes Manifest file #34

Closed Dreamsofriver closed 1 month ago

Dreamsofriver commented 1 month ago

As a developer I need to create Kubernetes configuration files for our recommendation service So that our application can be deployed, managed, and scaled efficiently in a Kubernetes environment

Details and Assumptions:

The manifest files should include deployment, service, ingress, and secrets configurations. The manifests should be stored in a ./k8s directory within the project repository. Assume the application uses a PostgreSQL database that needs to be deployed as a StatefulSet.

Acceptance Criteria:

Given the need to deploy the microservice to Kubernetes When I create the Kubernetes manifest files Then they should include configurations for deployment, service, ingress, and secrets

Given the Kubernetes manifest files are created When I deploy them using kubectl Then the microservice and the database should be successfully deployed and accessible