As a developer
I need to add Swagger annotations to wishlist item endpoints
So that the REST APIs for WishlistItems are documented and accessible at /apidocs, and api endpoints are located under /api
Details and Assumptions
Swagger annotations will be added to the Flask-RESTX endpoints
Annotation examples:
@api.doc("update_pets", security="apikey")
@api.response(404, "Pet not found")
@api.response(400, "The posted Pet data was not valid")
The Swagger UI will be accessible at /apidocs/
The api endpoints will be relocated to /api/...
Jsonify should be removed, and the error message will be converted to json by restx
Acceptance Criteria
Given the microservice using Flask-RESTX
When I visit endpoints at /api/...
Then the wishlistItem APIs work fine like before
When I test with errors on purpose
Then the error message will be in json format
When I visit Swagger documentations at /apidocs
Then all the API documentation for wishlistItem should be available.
As a developer I need to add Swagger annotations to wishlist item endpoints So that the REST APIs for WishlistItems are documented and accessible at /apidocs, and api endpoints are located under /api
Details and Assumptions
Jsonify should be removed, and the error message will be converted to json by restx
Acceptance Criteria