CSCfi / rems

Resource Entitlement Management System is a tool for managing access rights to resources, such as research datasets.
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Email translation improvements #3247

Closed aatkin closed 4 months ago

aatkin commented 5 months ago

partially implements #3241

Extra translations for email templates can use vector parameters for backwards compatibility and transition period into named parameters. These two localization strings should work identically:

"Dear %:recipient%,\n\nYour application %:application-id% has been approved.\n\nYou can view the application and the decision at %:application-url%"
"Dear %1,\n\nYour application %3 has been approved.\n\nYou can view the application and the decision at %6"

Mixing formats is not allowed:

;; will throw runtime error
"Dear %1,\n\nYour application %:application-id% has been approved.\n\nYou can view the application and the decision at %:application-url%"

Checklist for author

Remove items that aren't applicable, check items that are done.


Backwards compatibility


