CSE-110-Group-29 / Electric-Pomato

Time management web application that implements the Pomodoro Technique.
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Update ADRs and other files in the specs directory. #114

Closed AllenZou123 closed 3 years ago

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

Some decisions are still being made for the project, so a new branch called specs_updates has been made for additional changes to ADRs. I suggest that we keep this issue and the branch up all the way until the due date of our project (March 19, 2021). We will also use this branch to make changes to any other files in the specs directory based on the "Minimum Viable Process Notes" PDF posted by Professor Powell if we need to.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

ADRs are mostly finalized. Only the Analytics ADR needs to be updated.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

Personas have been updated.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

The wiki page for ADRs was apparently empty. I went ahead and filled that out, but we still need to merge my specs_updates branch in order to put links to the HTML, Landing Page, and Analytics ADRs.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

Retrospective 2 meeting notes had almost no information on them. I filled everything I could, but unfortunately, there isn't a way for me to go back to think, plan, and group to get screenshots. This isn't updated on the specs_updates branch. Rather, I made these changes to the sprint-2-review branch.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

One thing I noticed is the lack of audio in the CI/CD pipeline video, which confused me a bit a first. We may want to consider changing that for onboarding purposes.

Edit: CI/CD pipeline content can't be modified.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

Unless I missed something in lecture, it seems like we're missing two assignments in our repository: CI/CD phase 2 and the teamstatus2 video. Both of these are delineated in their phase 1 assignments on Canvas, but there isn't a phase 2 assignment for either of them.

One of the things that Sim permits us to edit are the meeting notes. Below are the things that Professor Powell wanted us to include in each notes. I'll leave them here for reference.

From what I see, most of our meeting notes lack the team number / team name, a clear format for the agenda (I think how we currently have our meetings notes might be fine), and especially the reasons for each decision made (only really need this starting from the design team meeting), similar to what we need to do in the ADRs. I'll try to update all the meeting notes before Thursday 11:59 PM PT.

Update: in hindsight, it seems like most of the decisions we made occurred in Slack rather than in meetings, so not much had to change in terms of that.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

These are the meeting notes I've added more information to so far.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

The Wiki page for ADRs has been updated with the remaining links that were missing.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

Analytics ADR has been completed.

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

More meeting notes have been updated below:

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

Unless I missed something in lecture, it seems like we're missing two assignments in our repository: CI/CD phase 2 and the teamstatus2 video. Both of these are delineated in their phase 1 assignments on Canvas, but there isn't a phase 2 assignment for either of them.

Update: we're in the clear for this. Below is a screenshot of a conversation between Sim and me. Conversation with Sim

AllenZou123 commented 3 years ago

4 more personas have been added: data scientist, software developer intern, librarian, and professor/CEO.