Scenario 2: Multiple species of bears
Given: There are multiple types of bears at the zoo (grizzly bear, black bear, brown bear, panda bear)
When: I type in “bear” in the search bar
Then: A list of bears species with the word “bear” appears, listing the types of bears at the zoo (grizzly bear, black bear, brown bear, panda bear)
And: I have the option of continuing to type in the search bar to narrow down my search
Scenario 2: Multiple species of bears Given: There are multiple types of bears at the zoo (grizzly bear, black bear, brown bear, panda bear) When: I type in “bear” in the search bar Then: A list of bears species with the word “bear” appears, listing the types of bears at the zoo (grizzly bear, black bear, brown bear, panda bear) And: I have the option of continuing to type in the search bar to narrow down my search